Updating a neglected site.

It seems that I haven’t been paying enough attention to this site and numerous problems have shown up. So today, I’m fixing them.

First off, there was a serious problem in one specific post. It was so bad, that Google put an alert on search results that called us an unsafe site! OMG! I was freaking out and have spent hours researching and fixing the issue. I am confident that it’s been fixed and will get the official OK from Google hopefully soon.

Update: We’ve been cleared by Google and are no longer marked as a bad site. 😀

Second, a bunch of weird characters were showing up in posts. Not your normal US letters, odd A’s with squiggles over the top and things like that. I have cleaned up a large number of those. If you see any, let me know what post and I’ll clean them up too.

Third, the form to contact our site was gone. Yep, gone. Don’t know how, don’t know when or what happened but it was gone. It’s since been brought back and is working again.

I really don’t know what caused all these issues, but they may all be related. Then again, maybe not. However, I do feel confident that all issues have been fixed and I hope they never come back. 🙂

If you ever notice issues with the site, don’t hesitate to contact me!


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